
Our 2024 Volunteers

CWJC is Volunteer Powered!

Each year our volunteers provide approximately 5000 hours. If you are interested in volunteering, we have a place for you:

There is a place for YOU to be involved:

  • Teacher
  • Meal Provider
  • Mentor
  • Administrative Support
  • Fund-raising
  • Financial Contributor
  • Prayer Team

Apply now using the form below or swing by our office to fill out a paper application!

Volunteer Spotlight - Susan Burnett

Susan began volunteering in 2015 and has been teaching our Microsoft Word class ever since.

1. When did you first begin volunteering with Christian Women’s Job Corps and what led you to that decision?

I began volunteering in 2015 because I wanted to get involved in a ministry once we retired. After we traveled for several years in our RV, the opportunity for volunteering was available. I heard of CWJC while volunteering in the office of a church we were attending. It seemed like it would be a good fit so I investigated and began volunteering.

2. What changes have you seen during the time you have been with CWJC?

CWJC has expanded its mission over the years I have been involved. New classes were developed as the intern’s needs were identified. The most dramatic change was the addition of the evening program, “Unstuck”.

3. What has your experience at CWJC taught you?

The most amazing experience at CWJC is watching the dramatic transformation of the interns each semester as they discover God’s love and direction for them. They become confident that they can succeed in obtaining the life they desire to live and complete the semester optimistic for the future with plans they intend to pursue. Watching God’s work in each life during the semester is thrilling.

4. What would you tell those that might be considering a volunteer position at CWJC?

CWJC is a great organization who appreciates each volunteer. The ministry is built with prayer seeking to follow God’s path. God’s amazing love and grace fills the organization. It is never a boring place and there is never a dull moment.

Ways to Volunteer

Prayer Team

Each participant, mentor, volunteer, and teacher needs ongoing prayer support.


Critical to the success of each woman enrolled in CWJC is the support they receive through a personal mentor who serves as a friend, encourager and spiritual supporter. Mentor training is provided.

Bible Teachers

One element that sets CWJC apart from other training programs is daily in-depth Bible study conducted by volunteer teachers.


Leaders are needed to teach basic life skills and job readiness classes such as budgeting, appropriate dress, interview skills and computer.


Suitable employment for the women must be found once they have completed their training. Please contact us to interview our graduates for job openings you have.


Assistance is needed in providing lunch for the class each day during the 12-week session, providing administrative support, helping with special events (including graduation and our annual spring style show), providing items for our food pantry as well as professional clothing closet and/or personal needs basket, providing financial support.

Financial Contributions

Participants often need childcare, transportation, haircuts, career clothes, eyeglasses, dental work, etc. You may help by providing these services or by providing financial support for these services.

Together we share in the love & joy of Christ!

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